Concrete? Really? Yeah, it's about a billion times cheaper than granite and can be stained to look just like it. Last weekend the concrete was poured and finished, but they still need to be stained and sealed. Here are some pictures:
Old kitchen counter tops
Framed in with 2 1/2 inch melamine on bottom and 3 1/2 inch melamine on the side. Then the counter tops have to have chicken wire secured to them. This keeps the concrete from cracking.
Everything framed in!
Concrete getting poured in. When you do concrete counter tops, it's best to have it as dry a mix as you can get.
All poured!
Rounding out the edges
This is Matt doing the finishing work. After a few hours when the concrete it set up, then it has to be finished. I don't know much about this since I hired Matt to take care of it.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Mason and his parents, Kelly & Kelly, for letting me borrow their cement mixer. It saved mucho time and dinero! I desperately need to pick a stain, but it has to cure a while before I would actually be able to use it. However, there are lots of things around the house I desperately need to do. Has anyone found me appliances yet? ;)
To desperation at its finest,
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